When you’ve completed the job, go over the work that was done with the client. If the customer is happy with the results, ask them nicely to complete this questionnaire while you clean up.
Nine times out of ten… you’ll get it right back completely filled out!
This questionnaire:
Helps you track how you get clients. For example, they may answer they found you from a yellow pages ad. This information is extremely important. It allows you to see how much money you made from that ad in the yellow pages (or whatever marketing method they came from) and compare that to how much you spent on the yellow pages ad or other method.
Helps you get more referrals. You should aim to get receive three referrals for every client.
If you have employees, train them to hand the questionnaire to clients as well. It’s absolutely an amazing way to grow your business.
So don’t wait. Make plenty of copies, and start using it today!