Imagine for a moment that you are about to be interviewed for the best job in the world. You have all the necessary skills. Â You have more experience than the other candidates. Â All you need to do to win the position is to tell the interviewers who you are and why they should choose you.But then your turn comes. You walk into the room.
Instead of sitting down to answer questions, you stop at the door and shout, “I’m the best candidate!” The interviewers sit there looking confused as you swivel around on one foot and march straight back out.
Will you get the job? Of course not! The interviewers know nothing about you because you didn’t tell them. Obviously, acting like this in an interview would be considered crazy…
But believe it or not, it is very similar to how many carpet cleaners do their marketing.
They send short flyers to clients screaming, “Use My Services!” However, they don’texplain why the client should choose them.
This a huge mistake. If someone is interested in carpet cleaning, they want as much information as possible so they can make a good decision. You need to explain how a client will benefit from using you. You must answer any objections that they might have.
You must tell them why they should call you today. If you give people enough information to make a buying decision, you will be amazed at how many more clients you get. The same is true on the Internet.
If you don’t explain on your website who you are and why people should choose you, then you will get bombarded with calls from tyre-kickers who don’t value your services.
They will judge you on price alone. These phone calls waste your time and ultimately slow your business growth. Your website should tell the whole story. It should do the heavy lifting when it comes to sales, so that a visitor already wants your services before they call you.
TODAY’S TASK: Why Should People Choose You?
Today’s task is all about coming up with a list of reasons you can use in your marketing describing why people should choose your services.
- Write down all the features of your service.A feature is a factual statement about your service. For example, “I use a ABC Steam Cleaner with a forced heated air feature.”
- Write down what this feature does for clients. This is called a benefit. Here’s an example: “The ABC Steam Cleaner has a forced heated air feature. This means it dries the carpets better after a deep shampoo clean.”
- Note: Some features may have multiple benefits. List them all.
- Arrange the benefits in order. Look at the list you have created of features and benefits. Rank in order of importance for the client. If you haven’t got enough space in an ad, include the most important benefits only.
- Now that you have a detailed list of the benefits you offer clients, include them in your marketing. Always keep in mind the old marketing adage: “The more you tell clients, the more you will sell clients.”