There’s a reason why corporations pay millions of dollars to get famous people endorsing their products.
Celebrity endorsements work.
And they can help your carpet cleaning business too.
Here’s how…
Simply put… fame rubs off. The perception of you is different if you know or provide a service for someone famous.
For instance, if you were to tell someone that you clean carpets for Hugh Jackman… you would be seen in a different light. People think you must be great job if you provide the service for so and so.
In general, people want to be close to celebrities and using the same service people is a way to do that for them. They then can say, “Well, I get my carpets cleaned by (insert your name). He’s the one who does so and so’s carpets.” How impressive is that?
Think of any current celebrities you have as clients such as:
- Local TV news people
- Sports players
- Movie stars
- TV stars
- Music or recording stars
- Olympic athletes
Any of these can be very powerful clients.
A local celebrity that everyone in your area knows is generally more powerful than a national celebrity someone may or may not know. The other advantage of local celebrities is that they are often not tied into endorsement deals with big companies.
If you already have a celebrity using your service, this truly is a good thing! It is an endorsement of the great service you provide.
Nicely ask for the celebrity to write a testimonial for your work and make sure they give you permission to use it (without any cost) in your promotional materials.
Then use it!
Put it in all the marketing materials you do… Sales letters, newsletters, in your column if you’re writing one and on your website. Include it everywhere!
If you don’t’ have celebrity clients, today’s task explains what you need to do to get them.
TODAY’S TASK: How to get a celebrity client
Celebrity clients are not all that difficult to find. Obviously, they will have some carpets and those carpets need to be cleaned. And they should all have enough money to afford your services.
You just have to focus on getting your foot in the door.
The best way to accomplish this is by sending them a series of sales letters. You probably should do 3 or more in this sequence.
- Make a list of local celebrities: Try to pick people who don’t have strong views or opinions that could alienate potential clients.
- Contact them: You might be able to find their name and address in the phonebook. If not, send a letter to where they work.
- Make an irresistible offer like a free clean: Many people suggest and think it’s worth offering to clean the celebrity’s carpets for free. If the person is well known, I would tend to agree with that thinking. The reason is you can say, “I clean so and so’s carpets.” That definitely is without a doubt worth your cost to clean their carpets.