As you know by now, business can be overwhelming. There are so many things to do and keep track of. That’s why in today’s lesson I want to share a simple strategy to help you stay on top of things.
Meet with yourself
Schedule a meeting with yourself weekly to see how things are going with workload, income and goals. Choose a time that you feel confident will be free every week. Make the meeting a priority and don’t let anything interfere with it.
On the agenda include:
- Review your marketing goals for the last week. How did you do? If not as well as you would have liked, change a few things so you’ll do better this week. If you did better than projected… then, by all means, keep doing what you’re doing!
Go over your numbers and know what they should be. Keep track of what the numbers are telling you!
Decide on which new strategies you are going to try or implement over this next week. And make the necessary preparation to get it done.
Setting aside this time to review your results and next steps is a great way to stay focused on where you’re heading. It also allows you to correct yourself if you have been sidetracked by distractions.
TODAY’S TASK:Add The Meeting To Your Calendar
- Resolve to schedule a meeting with yourself each week. Put it on the calendar and do not schedule anything that will conflict with this time–it’s YOUR time.
- Prepare an agenda the night before the meeting so you don’t overlook anything. I like to use Ever note to keep track of thoughts, idea and tasks that I need to think about during the meeting.